Day 30 March 31
Day 30 March 31 Passage : Isaiah 49 : 24-26 Today's text begins with a question, and the warrior in the question presumably was Babylon. "Can spoils be taken from a warrior, captives be rescued from a conqueror?" Babylon was such a powerful warrior, who could be his competitor? God thinks he can do it. In order to accomplish His will, Babylon had to be dealt with. And the sequence of events that led to the eventual demise of Babylon the powerful warrior can be traced all the way to a tiny nation called Judah. Is this a realistic hope? Could Persia become a superpower that could potentially save Judah? When God wanted to salvage Judah from Babylon, it was like someone who intended to snatch a prey from the mouth of a lion, was it possible? But God said, “captives will be taken from a warrior; spoils will be rescued from a conqueror. I will oppose your adversary and I will rescue your children."(49:25) Babylon was once the agent of the Lord and reigne...