Day 28 March 28

Day 28 March 28

Passage: Isaiah 49:7-13
The servant was described here as “the one who is despised and rejected by nations”, and surely the painful experience was beyond words. Yet the Lord said there would be a surprise twist, and one day he will no longer be so lowly and despised; Kings will see him and rise in respect. The crucial point is God is faithful, and it is He who will lift up His lowly servant to become a respectable ambassador to the Kings, and be duly received and respected. This is reflected in 49:5, where the vindication came from God, and as such His servant was duly honoured.

“At the time I decide to show my favour, I will respond to you; in the day of deliverance I will help you”, is a response by the Lord to this frustrated servant who saw no achievement in his endeavours. When the Lord said “I will protect you and make you a covenant mediator for people,” He was saying that He would bless the people through His servant. “Plans to rebuild the land and to reassign the desolate property,” would make a lot of sense to the sojourners in Babylon. They were born and raised in Babylon, and were totally unfamiliar with the land where their grandparents came from. But now God was going to reassign land back there to them as property, and it would be the servant who was commissioned to carry out this task.

Well, if there were reassignment of land, of course you have to make your way back! On one hand, there was this announcement to the sojourners in Babylon: You are free to depart from Babylon, so pack up and go back to your ancestors’ land! On the other hand, the good news was also proclaimed to those who were sitting in the dark, imprisoned in sin, it was time to come out, and no longer be fearful of being seen!

The restoration of God would take place, even though the journey with women, elderly and infants back then was not so free and easy like it is today. Certainly the inconveniences will make people think twice about whether or not to make the trip. But God said all the mountains were His, and He would make a way for them, and would provide for them and guide them, so that they would not be thirsty and hungry.

So all the people, and all that is being created by God shall come and witness the Lord’s restoration, and shout for joy! For the Lord consoles His people and shows compassion to the oppressed!

Prayer: Dear God, your vindication is totally amazing! And it is also amazing to see you open a way in the mountains. O sky, shout for joy!

第二十八天 Mar 28

经文:以赛亚书 49:7-13





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