Day 25 March 25
Day 25 March 25
Passage: Isaiah 48:1-11
This entire passage is a speech from the Lord, addressing the
family of Jacob, Israel, and the descendants of Judah.
From the perspective of God, they were the people of God, who
took oaths in the name of the Lord, but did not act in the honest and just manner
of the Lord (cf 48:1). In other words they did not live in the way of the Lord.
Though they proclaimed themselves as residents of the Holy city, and so-called
trusted in the Lord, but their practices were contrary. The irony was that the
Lord knew how stubborn they were, their neck muscles were like iron, and their
foreheads were like bronze. Such descriptions reflected their rebellious
nature, even when the Lord said He announced it to them beforehand.
Common sense would lead one to avoid such stubborn people,
yet the Lord predicted their stubbornness and went ahead with His plan to elect
them as His Holy people. Despite their rebellion and deceitful behaviour, He
stuck to them, for the Lord is Holy, He is different from other idols. Though
they broke His heart, He wanted to refine them (cf 48:10). For the sake of His
name He would not give up, nor allow His name to be defiled, for He is the Lord
who would only tell the truth (cf 48:6).
In chapter 1 God called the heavens and earth to be His
witness. He lamented that even an ox recognised its owner, a donkey recognised
where its owner put its food, but Israel doesn’t recognise Him (cf 1:2-3). For
the sake of His reputation, God chose to hold back His anger. He has chosen
Israel, and shall continue with His work for the sake of His name, and surely
He will not share His glory with anyone else!
Looking back at the time of exodus, God had proclaimed that
he would gain glory through the stubborn King of Egypt and his army, so that
the Egyptians will know that He is the Lord. And this time the Lord would gain
glory through the Babylonians and Chaldeans. He would certainly not share His
glory with anyone else. God proclaimed that He is the Lord, and entirely
different from the idols!
Prayer: Dear God, there is none like
you, who would hold back your anger and work out your plan in your people.
Mar 25
还拣选以色列为圣民,他们悖逆与诡诈,他还是没有弃他们而去,因为耶和华与其他被崇拜的偶像有别,纵使祂心痛无比,祂愿意磨练他们(参48:10)。祂为了自己的名号决不放弃,更不愿祂的名号被亵渎,因为祂是耶和华,而且祂说的是真话!(参6节) 从1章神呼唤天和地来做证人,耶和华感叹牛都认得主人,驴认得主人的槽,祂的子民却不认识祂(参1:2-3);但耶和华会暂且忍下怒火,是为了祂名号的缘故,祂拣选以色列,会为自己的名号继续做祂所要成就的事,祂的荣耀必定不会归给假神!
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