Day 30 March 31
Day 30 March 31
Passage:Isaiah 49:24-26
Today's text begins with a question, and the warrior in the
question presumably was Babylon. "Can spoils be taken from a warrior,
captives be rescued from a conqueror?" Babylon was such a powerful
warrior, who could be his competitor? God thinks he can do it. In order to
accomplish His will, Babylon had to be dealt with. And the sequence of events
that led to the eventual demise of Babylon the powerful warrior can be traced
all the way to a tiny nation called Judah. Is this a realistic hope?
Could Persia become a superpower that could potentially save
Judah? When God wanted to salvage Judah from Babylon, it was like someone who
intended to snatch a prey from the mouth of a lion, was it possible? But God
said, “captives will be taken from a warrior; spoils will be rescued from a
conqueror. I will oppose your adversary and I will rescue your
Babylon was once the agent of the Lord and reigned over
Judah, whether from a political or theological perspective, it was because the
Lord had placed Judah under the power of Babylon. This time round, who shall be
the even more powerful warrior to release Judah from warrior Babylon?
The answer is still God. "I will make your oppressors
eat their own flesh; they will get drunk on their own blood, as if it were
wine. Then all humankind will recognize that I am the Lord, your deliverer,
your protector, the powerful Ruler of Jacob.” Despite the power and realm of
the Babylon Empire, because the Lord has established His covenant with Israel,
the Lord will come and be their redeemer. Try reading book of Leviticus
25:47-48 to have a better idea of redeemer. Judah, while in the hands of
Babylon, had no brother or uncle to come forth as its redeemer, and it is at
this point in time that the Lord came forth and declared that he would be the redeemer.
He is their Creator, and so He will also be their Redeemer.
Prayer: Our Lord, you could release
those who are imprisoned, you say you are the redeemer, the powerful ruler of
Jacob; this amazes us and makes us so astonished!
Mar 31
经文:以赛亚书 49:24-26
耶和华把犹大从巴比伦解救出来,就像有人要从一个狮子的口中把猎物重新夺回一样,这可能吗? 可耶和华说,看我的! “耶和华如此说:就是勇士所掳掠的,也可以夺回;强暴人所抢的,也可以解救。与你相争的,我必与他相争;我要拯救你的儿女。”(49:25)巴比伦曾作为耶和华的代理人对犹大国施行权柄,无论从军事还是神学来讲,都是耶和华把耶路撒冷人置于巴比伦的管制之下。这次谁能够从巴比伦这勇士的大能威力下将犹大民救出呢?
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