Day 20 March 19

Day 20 March 19

Passage: Isaiah 45: 1-8
God used Cyrus, a Persian King, to fulfill His will in judging Babylon and redeeming the Jews. He used one superpower to eliminate another superpower. In the eyes of human history, that was the result of a fierce fight for regional supremacy. But God revealed to us that He was the one behind Cyrus and He was the one causing all these to happen when twice He said "though you have not acknowledged me” (verses 4-5). Cyrus might be thinking that he was creating his own kingdom, but he was merely an instrument that God used to fulfill His plan. Cyrus’ success and victory were actually God’s doing. God declared: He was the one and only God.

In the eyes of the people at that time, every nation had its own gods. The assumption would be that the exiled Jewish people then belonged to a nation with a god that failed. But God turned that view upside down with His marvelous doing, whether kicking up a storm or calming it. The notion of the one and only God is not about finding out how many gods were there, but recognizing the true God who reigns and is in total control. It was for the Jews to acknowledge that and worship God as the one true God. People of all nations would also recognize the God of the “Great I am” through His salvation and history changing ways.

Of course, recognizing God’s sovereignty may inevitably attribute all things good and bad to Him. "I form the light, and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things." (verse 7) This does not mean God would do evil things but affirms the fact that God is in all things, good or bad. Even bad things such as a disaster can be used according to God's will. The rise and fall of nations cannot escape His mind. So let us be grateful to God Almighty for “You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it.” (verse 8)

Prayer: God, help us to realize in all things you are the God Great I Am in history.

第二十天 Mar 19

经文:以赛亚书 45:1-8


当然,承认掌控权在于神,也难免同时把一切好坏也都归咎于神。我造光,又造暗;我施平安,又降灾祸。成就这一切的是我耶和华。7节)但这不是说耶和华也行恶。这里是要肯定一个事实: 这位唯我独尊的神,在一切的事中都仍旧掌权,不论好坏。甚至坏的事如灾祸,都能按神的心意为祂所用。列国的兴衰都逃不过祂的心意。所以我们要为这位唯我独尊的神感恩。祂的心意是让穹苍降下拯救!让地面吸取而产出救恩,又使公义一同生发。NET翻译,8节)



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