Day 39 April 10
Day 39 April
Passage:Isaiah 54:11-17
The theme of restoration begins to emerge starting from
chapter 54. Let us remember when we mention restoration, there is actually a
historical context of Israel. And talking about restoration, it is impossible
not to leave the shame issue aside. The act of restoration is actually to
vindicate the name of the Lord, as Israel has blemished the name of the Lord
before the nations. But now God is coming to correct all these. We also need to
understand that shame is actually a gift of God, for what comes forth will be
restoration, compassion, commitment and forgiveness, to be brought in by God
himself. And it is indeed the grace of God to enable people to admit their own
sins or mistakes, and it is through such acknowledgement of wrongdoings that
people will be open to receive renewal. God will enable His people to realize
how vast is such grace, they will realise that despite their lack of faith, God
did not totally abandon them.
How solid a city would be, is dependent upon the structure,
material used, geographical location, and ability of the defenders with their
technology. But Isaiah 54 pointed out that the city’s security is more than its
beautiful look or structure, what is important is the people’s moral and
spiritual renewal. Jerusalem shall become a city of substance, like a rich
woman laden with jewels and accessories. Isaiah imagined the grandeur of the
city and its gate and structure, beautified by the renewal of its residents.
“All your children will be followers of the Lord” denotes that they will learn
after God, in an ongoing mentor or coach relationship, and this is “shalom”
which arises from the faithfulness of God. The grace of God brings forth His
righteousness. Verses 15-17 proclaims that those who are decision makers in the
community will be gifted to carry out their tasks. How the Lord has weakened
the defenders of Ephraim and Judah in the past, now He would strengthen them.
And the Lord will be their fighter and will strengthen the defender. This
vision is realistic as Jerusalem has tons of conflicts and oppression, and
there still will be enemies that will be a threat to their security. The Lord
has turned around and has promised to provide the means of resolving their
disputes and the strength to defend the city. “If anyone dares to challenge
you, it will not be my doing! Whoever tries to challenge you will be defeated,”
declares the Lord. (verse 15)
Prayer: Dear Lord, we worship you, as
you are the One who brings forth restoration, compassion, commitment and
Apr 10
经文:以赛亚书 54:11-17
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