Day 38 April 09

Day 38 April 09

PassageIsaiah 54:1-10
Isaiah 54 depicted Jerusalem as a barren woman who was desolate. In a patriarchal culture, a barren woman who was unable to produce an offspring for her husband was a shame both to herself and to her clan (verse 4). She had no standing in the community, and hence being barren was often a source of shame and worry to the female. However in verses 4 – 8, Jerusalem was consoled and told not to worry that such shame would persist for long. The shame of being desolate resembled widowhood, as if her husband had left her for a few decades and she lived without support from her clan. The shame resembled being abandoned by the entire community and it was long hurting. How on earth could a childless woman ever dream of having a large household? The answer is “impossible”, yet this impossibility highlights the significance of the vision in today’s passage. Israel was reminded that their ancestor Sarah was an old lady beyond child-bearing age, yet God could still use her when He acted.

Verses 1 – 3 promised that once again Jerusalem would become a prosperous city, for the husband of Jerusalem was her Maker, and her future would be bright. By the time Jesus entered into the historical scene, Jerusalem was a populated city, and also the centre to the people of God who awaited restoration. The period of childlessness was in the past, and now Jerusalem could lift up her head among the nations.
There is no doubt that God had shown his anger in the past, but that was only for a moment, as in the days of Noah (v. 9). The population of Judah had reduced substantially after the judgment fell on them, but consequently, God lived up to His promise and the population grew. Hence believing in God requires courage and faith, but it certainly is not walking in the dark, for the work of God is perceptible. “In the same way I have vowed that I will not be angry at you or shout at you.” God, who is a faithful God, proclaimed that His covenant would be even more unmovable than the mountains (verse 10), so there is nothing to fear about the future, and Israel could disregard the present shame that she was suffering. The past will be past.
Prayer: God, Your words of comfort are as sweet as long-anticipated rain to us.

第三十八天 Apr 09

经文:以赛亚书 54:1-10
《以赛亚书》54章形容耶路撒冷不单没有子嗣,还孤苦无依。在当年男人为主的社会,不能为丈夫生孩子的妻子对自己对群体都是羞辱(4节)。这样的女人在一个群体里面根本没有一席之地。没有子嗣是蒙羞与忧虑的根源。但4-8节呼吁耶路撒冷无需担忧这样蒙羞的地位会持续。那被抛弃的羞辱象征守寡,好比丈夫死了,离开几十年后,如今无依无靠。但羞辱更象征被众人撇弃的心酸。这没有子嗣的女人怎么有可能计划一个大家庭呢 ?  可是,这个不可能正是这个异象的重要,而它的驱动力在于提醒他们当年的祖先也是一个超龄的女人,而当神要行动时,还是能使用她。


所以过去耶和华的的愤怒虽然是真实的,但也是短暂的。而挪亚的故事就是案例(9节)。当年的人口也因为审判而所剩无几。但灾难以后,耶和华遵守了祂当时的承诺。所以信靠耶和华虽然是需要勇气与信心,但不是黑暗中摸索,而是有迹可循。我也照样起誓不再向祢发怒,也不怒骂祢。”(9) 我们知道耶和华是守信的神。而耶和华的约比众山还要坚定不移(10节)。所以以色列不必畏惧未来,也不必畏惧现今的羞辱。一切都已成为过去。



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