Day 37 April 08
Day 37 April 08
Passage:Isaiah 53:4-12 Servant of God (II)
When the Servant of God met with many troubles, the onlookers
thought he deserved them. But when the truth was revealed, they discovered he
was innocent. He willingly suffered all of them for their sakes. Note: It is
“for them”, not “instead of them”, since we know that the audience of the
prophet were also in suffering. But the Servant suffered alongside them though
he was innocent. The punishment they deserved for their sins were laden on him
as well. In executing his prophetic ministry, he had to endure further pain
from misunderstanding and false accusations. It was for the purpose of
completing God’s will, but he was beaten for it. Throughout the process of
mockery and being despised, the Servant accepted willingly. He did not cry out
in grief nor cry foul, nor resist, nor retaliate. He bore all that till his
Hence, when this man was proven innocent, the realization of
the crowds was alarming. What happened? Who was this man? Their hardened hearts
were shaken by the bare testimony from the Servant. That an innocent man would
willingly bear the well-deserved sufferings of a guilty crowd, the persevering
and sacrificing will of God to win them back was fully expressed. The lost
returned because of this love. So they realized: he endured punishment that
made us well; because of his wounds we have been healed. God was not taking
revenge upon them, but rather disciplining them to repent. And when they
witnessed this Servant who silently suffered from their misdeeds, they came to
their senses about God’s will. They were the unrepentant and rebellious ones.
This Servant demonstrated what is true obedience to God. Not only that, the
Servant’s pain is the Master’s pain. The Servant’s sacrifice for his fellow
men, is God’s sacrifice for his people. When they finally return to God, the
Servant’s glory is God’s own glory.
Prayer: God, your Servant had
suffered, yet we failed to see. Only upon his vindication do we come to full
Apr 08
经文:以赛亚书 53:4-12
? 这究竟是什么人 ? 他们顽梗的心被这仆人坦荡荡的生命见证所震撼。当这无罪的人竟然心甘情愿地同受百姓罪有应得的苦难时,耶和华那份想要挽回子民而不惜代价、含辛茹苦的心意就表露无遗。浪子因为这份爱而回头。所以他们了解到:因他受的刑罚,我们得平安;因他受的创伤,我们得医治。一直以来,耶和华不是要处罚他们。耶和华是要教训他们去悔改。而唯有当他们见证了这个仆人沉默地接受他们当受的责罚时,他们才醒悟明白神的心意。原来一直执迷不悔的是他们,这仆人才真正体现了对神的忠心。不单如此,这仆人的痛也是主人的痛。这神仆人为同胞牺牲也是神为自己子民牺牲。最后当众人回归主,而仆人的荣耀,这也是神的荣耀。
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