Day 35 April 06

Day 35 April  06

Passage: Isaiah 52:7-12
God’s people might be longing for a Davidic king, but more so their true ideal would be for God himself to reign. So if anyone were to announce this good news to them, though the messenger’s feet might be caked in mud, the receivers would see them as lovely. Because the message was “God is king”. Such occasions always imply the deliverance and restoration of God’s people. But is not God always reigning? How can any matter escape his control? How would such an announcement be “good news”? But from Israel’s perspective, God’s reign should imply his orders are completed and his wishes fulfilled. So when the world is in disorder, when evil runs rampant, God seems not to reign. Other times, God reigns but in the mode of punishing them, so that would not be “good news”. Therefore, if God in goodwill reigns to save them, that is good news indeed.

Reigning should not mean the ceremonial title of kingship. Only when the directives and policies are followed, that is truly reigning. Thus the people shouted for joy, indicating that they witnessed something good worth celebrating. When the prophet proclaimed God reigning, it meant that the situation would transform according to God’s will. The prophet gave the final call, this time to the Jews exiled in Babylon. Do not be seduced by the prosperity there and settle down, instead be ready to depart (verse 11), to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their home. God reigns! God will save and intervene in history! The arms of the Lord and Jerusalem have both awakened. To see the new Jerusalem, they shall depart from Babylon who awaits judgment. We can never predict when God chooses to act, but when he reigns, there is always a herald. Our appropriate action is to respond accordingly.

Prayer: The Lord reigns, what good news! Hallelujah!

第三十五天April 06

经文:以赛亚书 52:7-12



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