Day 31 April 01

Day 31 April  01

PassageIsaiah 501-11
50:1-3 can be regarded as the last reply from God to the question posted in 49:14. It sounded like a father speaking to his children, sort of like when a couple is not communicating with each other, the father speaks to the children expecting them to pass the words to the absent mother. If Zion thought that she was being abandoned, the Lord asked, where on earth was the divorce certificate? When did the covenant God ever desert them? The verse in 50:2 brought them back to the historical site where they crossed the Red Sea. The sea was divided before their eyes as though there was a retaining wall, and fish died due to lack of water. Did they forget what the Lord has done for them? When he came back to look for them, why couldn't he find someone waiting for Him?

As we know, the Lord has made up His mind to be their Redeemer, and His decision is considered as irreversible. Despite the fact that none responded when He called, the Lord will make His way in. How would the Lord make an inroad to them? 50:4 stated one of the required factors for restoration that was mentioned in Day 25. They needed to listen attentively like a prophet, with their “antenna” turned on from day to night for the Lord, this will lead to renewal! This is depicted in a lively way where “He wakes me up every morning; he makes me alert so I can listen attentively as disciples do.” Yes, this is exactly what the Lord expects from the people of God.

Israel as the servant of the Lord, should be able to endure hardship and not be defeated. They should be able to withstand dispute and challenges. Israel is to be called as witness of God, witnessing to the deeds and words of the Lord.

And once after the Lord’s words are declared, there is no more chance to be on the fence. You either choose to fear the Lord, and pay full attention to the voice of the prophet, or you choose to put fire under the feet of the prophet and burn him at stake. For those who listened and responded to the prophet-servant, their fate will be similar to the prophet-servant.

Should they be walking deep into the dark, all the more they needed to endure and trust the Lord all the way (cf 50:10). As for those who choose otherwise, they will “lie down in a place of pain” (50:11).

Prayer: Dear Lord, just as Israel needed renewal, so do we. We need to pay full attention to your words.

第三十一天 April 01

以赛亚书 50:1-11
50:1-3 可以视为耶和华对49:14提问的问题之最后一个回复。这里仿佛是一个父亲对着孩子说话,就好像夫妻吵架不能好好对话的时候,通过孩子来传话。如果锡安认为自己被遗弃了,那么耶和华说休书在哪里?与他们立约的上帝何时离弃了他们?50:2把他们带回昔日的历史场景,耶和华为他们分开红海,于是海水分开两边立起成垒,鱼就干渴而死。耶和华为他们做的事情难道他们都忘记了吗?祂来找他们的时候,为何没有人等候祂呢?   






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