Day 17 March 16

Day 17 March 16

Passage: Isaiah 44:1-8
Before we read this awe-inspiring passage Isaiah 44, we need to review Isaiah 43:28, because in that text God says “(I will) deliver Jacob to utter destruction”. The word “destruction” used here is a term that invokes a sense of horror in us. For example, Achan faced destruction because he did not obey the instruction of the LORD (Joshua 7). Should Jacob be utterly destroyed, there would be no remnant left of his line. If that happened, what would become of God’s promise to Abraham? However, in the following passage 44:1-5, we read the LORD declaring that He will revive Israel.

Like a caring Father, God addressed Israel by a personal title “my servant whom I have chosen” (In today’s context, the term “ambassador” is probably a better alternative). Once again, the LORD addressed His people as “Israel”, a name that He had bestowed on His people. In the past the LORD had delivered Israel from slavery; now the same LORD is calling Israel to be His people again. God will irrigate their dry land with flowing stream.

The desert is a strange and wondrous place. Should a misty storm pass over it, those seeds that were buried beneath the drought-stricken land will sprout up overnight. Like magic, a bed of flowers will bloom suddenly, covering the area of many square kilometers instantly.

God is able to water the desert, cause stream to flow through it, make flowers bloom in barren land, and sustain the plants to flourish – such a sight is beyond description. That which occurs in a natural landscape can also happen in the life of God’s people. The LORD said that He would pour out His Spirit on the descendants of Israel. This means that the current generation of Israelites would not encounter the horror that God had declared. They were expected to pass on the LORD’s warning and assurance so that every generation will cherish the hope – the outpouring of the Spirit of the LORD.

Verse 5 expresses the intimate relationship between the LORD and His people: In the past, it was the LORD who declared Israel to be His people at Mt. Sinai; now it is the people who confess, “We belong to the LORD.” What a beautiful and heart-warming scene.

Prayer: God, thank You for pouring out your Spirit upon us, so that we can belong to you.

第十七天 Mar 16

经文:以赛亚书 44:1-8
44章这振奋人心的经文之前,需要回到43:28,因为在那里上帝说到使雅各遭毁灭。这里出现的毁灭是很可怕的字眼。譬如亚干因为没有听耶和华的吩咐,后来遭了毁灭(参约书亚记7章)倘若遭毁灭,雅各就不剩什么人了。那么耶和华对亚伯拉罕的应许,该怎么办 ?  但接下来在44:1-5 我们看到耶和华宣告祂要使以色列繁盛起来!

上帝能够浇灌,使得水涌流,使得沙漠开花,使沙漠的树继续的生长,蔚为奇观。 这发生在自然景观的事,也能发生在上帝的子民身上。耶和华说祂要把灵浇灌在以色列的后裔身上。这表示在他们那一代恐怕事情还不会发生,但是让他们传递下去,让每一代存着盼望,等着耶和华的灵浇灌下来。第5节把那种亲切的状态描绘出来。从前在西奈山是耶和华邀请与宣告他们为子民,如今是子民亲自说我是属耶和华的。这多美啊!



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