The Lent season begins from Ash Wednesday and lasts till Easter, for a period of 40 days excluding Sundays (Sundays are not included in the 40 days because Sunday is always remembered as the day of Christ’s resurrection). Since the old days, believers would fast and pray, repent and reflect on the sufferings and death of Christ.

During this period, the Sunday sermons of the liturgical churches would usually mention such personalities like Moses, Elijah and Jesus. For Moses, he fasted 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai before receiving the Law and Commandments; Elijah, who challenged the false prophets, ran away to a broom tree when he was pursued by Jezebel to be killed. When the angel of the Lord strengthened him with food, he travelled 40 days and 40 nights without food and water.

As for Jesus, he was led into the desert where he fasted 40 days and 40 nights; he drew close to the Father and was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit before he was tempted by the devil. With them as our examples, let us therefore learn to fast and pray during this season of Lent.

It is hoped that through the meditation of the scriptures, remembrance of the cross - his salvation and sacrifice during this
40-day Lent season discipline, would bring about repentance and renewal of lives. And with hope, we prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
2020 预苦期四十天灵修操练

预苦期(Lent:春天之意)从圣灰日(Ash Wednesday)至复活节(Easter)期间的四十日(主日不计算在内:因每主日都是记念主基督复活的日子)。自古以来,信徒在此期间多会禁食祷告,悔改自省,思念基督的受苦受死。

1-12 章 关于犹大和耶路撒冷的信息,有多处提到亚哈斯王。
13-23章 关于临近列国的信息,有一处指向亚哈斯王。
24-27章 关于全地的信息,没有特别针对哪个君王。
28-39章 关于犹大和耶路撒冷的信息,多处提到希西家王。
40-55章 关于犹大和耶路撒冷的信息,多处提到古列/居鲁士王。
56-66章 关于犹大和耶路撒冷的信息,没有特别针对哪个君王。

亚哈斯王约在公元前736-715年在犹大作王 。希西家则在公元前715-686年作王。耶路撒冷在公元前587年倾覆,君王被带去巴比伦。古列王原是波斯王,在公元前539年击败巴比伦帝国,然后许可允许犹大人离开巴比伦,回去原居地重建圣殿。所以40-55章所描述的大部分是关于这段历史的应许,而56-66章所写的,应该是回归到耶路撒冷之后的事。





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