Day 2 Feb 27
Day 2 Feb 27
Passage: Isaiah 40: 3-8
God’s judgment and discipline against His people was not the
terminal point! Judgment and discipline are meant to renew once more! God
clearly expressed to His people that He was the one who doubly punished them.
Since this punishment was from God, then one can possibly look forward to a
revival from God. If destruction of a nation was due to a chance event in
history, then this would be entirely due to acts of man in history. Then God
really had nothing to do with the national disaster faced by the people, and
whether or not God still represented as hope to the people still could not be
So God began Chapter 1 by bringing the charges against the
people, and simultaneously proclaiming that God would act to discipline and
punish the Israelites. This indeed came to pass; Jerusalem was destroyed,
meaning that God’s temple also ended in ruins! With the exception of the
elderly and the people who were looked down upon, still staying in Jerusalem,
many in their prime were held captive in the Babylonian kingdom. Of course,
there were many who had fled to the neighboring countries. The Jewish nation had
been destroyed! How could one face the days ahead? All the infrastructure and
people having to do with God’s faith were in total collapse! Would God’s
religion be lost as a result? Be forgotten as a consequence?
How would God go about starting the rescue and renewal
effort? God decided to evoke the faith people have in Him once again! The
direction of the revival had to be right, the content of the renewal had to be
sound, God needed to be the object of peoples’ trust and confidence again! And
God started with how. He could once again become the God whom the people would
willingly trust! God needed to let the people understand at this very moment
that He is the God whom the people could trust. God needed to convince the
people to restore their faith in and fear of Him.
God first began to have the people focus on Himself. God
The splendor of the Lord will be revealed, and all people
will see it at the same time.
God once again revealed His glory, man has to see God’s glory
once again (imagine the glory which God had revealed to Israel in the past, the
gospels also recorded that Jesus revealed glory). God did not explain in
further detail here as to how to reveal His majestic glory. God only
persistently reaffirmed His steadfast promise to the people to reveal His glory
once again, God said this is what he had pre-destined, and no power whatsoever
would be able to prevent God from completing this!
Prayer: The grass dries up, the
flowers wither, but the decree of our God is forever reliable.
Feb 27
经文:以赛亚书 40:3-8
神因此从第一章开始就宣告百姓的罪状,也同时宣告神会出手管教、惩戒以色列人。事情果真发生,耶路撒冷城被毁,代表神同在的圣殿也成了废墟!除了年老及不被看上的人仍旧留在耶路撒冷,许多的壮年人都被掳到巴比伦帝国。当然,也有许多逃难到周边国家的百姓。犹大国就此灭亡了!以后的日子会如何? 一切有关耶和华信仰的体系和人员都崩溃瓦解。耶和华的信仰是否就此消失?是否就此被遗忘?
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